Assign staff permissions to clients

IT Mgr Practice Admin

In addition to allocating access to specific pages and dashlets, you can also allocate permissions to clients based on the Organization, offices and departments that the client belongs to.

  1. Select Admin > Task Padfrom the menu, then click Security Administration in the System Maintenance section.

  2. Select the Permissions tab to apply permissions to pages, and the Dashlets tab to apply permissions to dashlets (click Client, Contact, Custom or Staff to view/edit the permissions for the applicable dashboard).

  3. Ensure that the groups you want to apply the permissions to are currently selected. All groups are selected by default - click Clear All, then select the required groups.
  4. Each column represents the pages/dashlets within the system. Apply a tick for each permission you want the group to have for each page. See the applicable permissions list for more information on the permissions required for each area/activity.

    Make sure that you grant permissions to the various task pads if pages attached to those task pads are required.