Data entry permissions

IT Mgr Practice Admin

Page/Area Permission Description
Staff Dashboard > My Timsheets dashlet StaffTimesheets Allows access to the My Timesheets dashlet on the staff dashboard. Requires underlying page permissions to access the Timesheet Entry screens and Expense entry screens.
My Timesheet My Timesheet Provides access to the main timesheet entry page for staff.
StaffTimesheet Users will also require access to StaffTimesheet to enter timesheets.
TimeSchedule Ability to post scheduled items onto the timesheet.
TimeScale Ability to change the charge rate on a timesheet.
ClientServDet Access to edit/add services against a client whilst in the timesheet.
UpdateJurisFromTS Ability to update Jurisdiction information from timesheets. This is in conjunction with the access groups that are set up on the jurisdictions themselves in Categories.
Job permissions Users that need to be able to add/ edit jobs from within the timesheet will also need the various job permissions.
Others DeptTimeList Gives a user access to view and edit another staff member’s timesheets within their own Department and Office.
OffTimeList Gives a user access to view and edit another staff member’s timesheets within their own Office.
GlobTimeList Gives a user access to view and edit any staff member’s timesheet.
Timesheet Approval - Edit TSEditApproval Gives approvers the ability to edit timesheet details when approving.
Staff Approval TimeReview Gives approvers the ability to view and approve timesheets for the staff they are set to approve.
Department Approval DeptReview Gives approvers the ability to view and approve staff timesheets within their own department and office.
Office Approval OfficeReview Gives approvers the ability to view and approve staff timesheets within their own office.
Global Approval GlobReview Gives approvers the ability to view and approve any staff member’s timesheet.
Job Approval TSJobApproval Gives Job Managers the ability to approve time entered against their jobs.
My Expenses My Expenses Gives users access to the Staff Expenses page.
Expenses Gives users access to the Staff Expenses page.
Expense Capture ExpenseCapture Allows users to add receipts to an expense claim.
Others ExpManList Allows managers to view expenses for their staff.
DeptExpList Allows staff to view expenses for their department and office.
OffExpList Allows staff to view expenses for their office.
GlobExpList Allows users to view all staff expense claims.
Approval ExpManRev Allows a manager to approve their staff’s expenses.
ExpDepRev Allows a staff member to approve expense claims for their department and office.
ExpOffRev Allows a staff member to approve expense claims for their department and office.
ExpGloRev Allows a user to approve any expense claim.
Disbursements Disbursements Allows access to the Disbursement Input page.
DisbursementCapture Permission that allows a user to add an invoice to a disbursement.
DisbImport Permissions that allows a user to import a disbursement batch from a CSV file.
Bank Summary BankSummary Gives uses access to the Bank Summary page.
Deposits Lodgements Gives users access to the Deposits page either from the Entry menu or via the action on the Bank Summary page.
LodgeHeader Permission to create a new Deposit batch.
LodgeDets Permission to create deposit entries on a deposit batch.
LodgeItem Permissions to create deposit entries on a deposit batch.
LodgeAlloc Permission to allocate a deposit against outstanding A/R Transactions.
DD/SO Processing LodgeDDSO Provides access to the DD/SO processing page within Deposits or via the action on the Bank Summary page.
LodgeDDSODraft Permission required to draft Direct Debits.
LodgeDDSOEdit Permission required to edit Direct Debits and Standing Orders from the DD/SO processing page.
Bank Feeds BankFeed Permission required to access the Bank Feed page.
Banking Administration BankingAdmin Allows users access to the Banking Administration page in the Admin menu.
RFP Receipt Printing RFPReceipts Permission required to display the RFP Receipt Printing tab in Banking Administration.
Edit RFP Receipts RFPEdit Permission required to edit an RFP receipt.
Recurring Receipt Admin DDSOAdmin Permission required to display the Recurring Receipt Admin tab within Banking Administration.
Bank Admin BankAdmin Permission to the Bank Admin page within Banking Administration. Used to create and maintain bank accounts.
DD Batch Admin RecBatches and RecBatchesEdit Permissions required to access the DD Batch Admin page and edit DD batches.
Settings BankSettings Permission to view and edit the Settings tab in Banking Administration.
Print Queue RFPPrintQueue Permission to view the Print Queue for RFP receipts.
Import Templates BankImportTemplates Permission to set up Bank Import Templates.
Unposted Entries LodgeUnposted Access to the Unposted Entries page from the Entry menu.
Unallocated Entries Lodge Unalloc Access to the Unallocated Entries page from the Entry menu.
Client Bank Accounts ClientBankAccounts Permission to access the Client Bank Account page.
ClientBankAccountsEdit Permission to add and edit client bank accounts.
Client DD Mandate ClientDDMandate Access to the DD Mandate page on the Client menu.
Client Recurring Receipts CliRecRec Access to the Client Recurring Receipt page.
DD Edit RecDDEdit Permission to edit and create direct debits.
RecSOEdit Permission to edit and create standing orders.
Retainers RetainerTransfer Ability to transfer a retainer.
Client A/R Transactions ClientDRS Permission to view a client’s A/R Transactions.
A/R Adjustment DRSAdjust Permission to create a A/R Adjustment.
A/R Allocation DRSAllocate Ability to allocate A/R entries from the Client A/R Transactions page.
Transfer Receipt DRSTransfer Ability to transfer a receipt to another client.
Client Refund DRSCheque Permission to create a Client Refund.
Edit A/R Transaction DRSEdit Ability to edit a A/R transaction.
A/R Journal DRSJournal Allows a user to create a A/R Journal.
Failed Payment DRSRDCheque Allows a user to create a failed payment against a receipt.
Reallocate Receipt DRSRealloc Permission to re-allocate a receipt.
Unallocate a receipt DRSUnAlloc Permission to unallocated a receipt.
Edit WIP Transactions WIPEditing Ability to edit WIP transactions from the Client menu or within a Draft Bill.