Data entry permissions
IT Mgr Practice Admin
Page/Area | Permission | Description |
Staff Dashboard > My Timsheets dashlet | StaffTimesheets | Allows access to the My Timesheets dashlet on the staff dashboard. Requires underlying page permissions to access the Timesheet Entry screens and Expense entry screens. |
My Timesheet | My Timesheet | Provides access to the main timesheet entry page for staff. |
StaffTimesheet | Users will also require access to StaffTimesheet to enter timesheets. | |
TimeSchedule | Ability to post scheduled items onto the timesheet. | |
TimeScale | Ability to change the charge rate on a timesheet. | |
ClientServDet | Access to edit/add services against a client whilst in the timesheet. | |
UpdateJurisFromTS | Ability to update Jurisdiction information from timesheets. This is in conjunction with the access groups that are set up on the jurisdictions themselves in Categories. | |
Job permissions | Users that need to be able to add/ edit jobs from within the timesheet will also need the various job permissions. | |
Others | DeptTimeList | Gives a user access to view and edit another staff member’s timesheets within their own Department and Office. |
OffTimeList | Gives a user access to view and edit another staff member’s timesheets within their own Office. | |
GlobTimeList | Gives a user access to view and edit any staff member’s timesheet. | |
Timesheet Approval - Edit | TSEditApproval | Gives approvers the ability to edit timesheet details when approving. |
Staff Approval | TimeReview | Gives approvers the ability to view and approve timesheets for the staff they are set to approve. |
Department Approval | DeptReview | Gives approvers the ability to view and approve staff timesheets within their own department and office. |
Office Approval | OfficeReview | Gives approvers the ability to view and approve staff timesheets within their own office. |
Global Approval | GlobReview | Gives approvers the ability to view and approve any staff member’s timesheet. |
Job Approval | TSJobApproval | Gives Job Managers the ability to approve time entered against their jobs. |
My Expenses | My Expenses | Gives users access to the Staff Expenses page. |
Expenses | Gives users access to the Staff Expenses page. | |
Expense Capture | ExpenseCapture | Allows users to add receipts to an expense claim. |
Others | ExpManList | Allows managers to view expenses for their staff. |
DeptExpList | Allows staff to view expenses for their department and office. | |
OffExpList | Allows staff to view expenses for their office. | |
GlobExpList | Allows users to view all staff expense claims. | |
Approval | ExpManRev | Allows a manager to approve their staff’s expenses. |
ExpDepRev | Allows a staff member to approve expense claims for their department and office. | |
ExpOffRev | Allows a staff member to approve expense claims for their department and office. | |
ExpGloRev | Allows a user to approve any expense claim. | |
Disbursements | Disbursements | Allows access to the Disbursement Input page. |
DisbursementCapture | Permission that allows a user to add an invoice to a disbursement. | |
DisbImport | Permissions that allows a user to import a disbursement batch from a CSV file. | |
Bank Summary | BankSummary | Gives uses access to the Bank Summary page. |
Deposits | Lodgements | Gives users access to the Deposits page either from the Entry menu or via the action on the Bank Summary page. |
LodgeHeader | Permission to create a new Deposit batch. | |
LodgeDets | Permission to create deposit entries on a deposit batch. | |
LodgeItem | Permissions to create deposit entries on a deposit batch. | |
LodgeAlloc | Permission to allocate a deposit against outstanding A/R Transactions. | |
DD/SO Processing | LodgeDDSO | Provides access to the DD/SO processing page within Deposits or via the action on the Bank Summary page. |
LodgeDDSODraft | Permission required to draft Direct Debits. | |
LodgeDDSOEdit | Permission required to edit Direct Debits and Standing Orders from the DD/SO processing page. | |
Bank Feeds | BankFeed | Permission required to access the Bank Feed page. |
Banking Administration | BankingAdmin | Allows users access to the Banking Administration page in the Admin menu. |
RFP Receipt Printing | RFPReceipts | Permission required to display the RFP Receipt Printing tab in Banking Administration. |
Edit RFP Receipts | RFPEdit | Permission required to edit an RFP receipt. |
Recurring Receipt Admin | DDSOAdmin | Permission required to display the Recurring Receipt Admin tab within Banking Administration. |
Bank Admin | BankAdmin | Permission to the Bank Admin page within Banking Administration. Used to create and maintain bank accounts. |
DD Batch Admin | RecBatches and RecBatchesEdit | Permissions required to access the DD Batch Admin page and edit DD batches. |
Settings | BankSettings | Permission to view and edit the Settings tab in Banking Administration. |
Print Queue | RFPPrintQueue | Permission to view the Print Queue for RFP receipts. |
Import Templates | BankImportTemplates | Permission to set up Bank Import Templates. |
Unposted Entries | LodgeUnposted | Access to the Unposted Entries page from the Entry menu. |
Unallocated Entries | Lodge Unalloc | Access to the Unallocated Entries page from the Entry menu. |
Client Bank Accounts | ClientBankAccounts | Permission to access the Client Bank Account page. |
ClientBankAccountsEdit | Permission to add and edit client bank accounts. | |
Client DD Mandate | ClientDDMandate | Access to the DD Mandate page on the Client menu. |
Client Recurring Receipts | CliRecRec | Access to the Client Recurring Receipt page. |
DD Edit | RecDDEdit | Permission to edit and create direct debits. |
RecSOEdit | Permission to edit and create standing orders. | |
Retainers | RetainerTransfer | Ability to transfer a retainer. |
Client A/R Transactions | ClientDRS | Permission to view a client’s A/R Transactions. |
A/R Adjustment | DRSAdjust | Permission to create a A/R Adjustment. |
A/R Allocation | DRSAllocate | Ability to allocate A/R entries from the Client A/R Transactions page. |
Transfer Receipt | DRSTransfer | Ability to transfer a receipt to another client. |
Client Refund | DRSCheque | Permission to create a Client Refund. |
Edit A/R Transaction | DRSEdit | Ability to edit a A/R transaction. |
A/R Journal | DRSJournal | Allows a user to create a A/R Journal. |
Failed Payment | DRSRDCheque | Allows a user to create a failed payment against a receipt. |
Reallocate Receipt | DRSRealloc | Permission to re-allocate a receipt. |
Unallocate a receipt | DRSUnAlloc | Permission to unallocated a receipt. |
Edit WIP Transactions | WIPEditing | Ability to edit WIP transactions from the Client menu or within a Draft Bill. |