Version 2022.2.4


No enhancements in this release version.



Bug Fix Reference
If a Bill with Advanced Admin Fees is Reversed, the Admin Fee values are not included in the Allocation values. This has now been corrected. 19131
In Billing, intermittent slowness was being experienced when drafting a new bill after editing another. The underlying SP causing the slowness has now been modified to rectify this. 23451
In Billing, there was an issue in the Edit Bill option on the Approvals tab, whereby after clicking the option it was possible to click it again whilst the bill was loading. This has now been fixed. The Edit button is now disabled and not selectable while the bill is loading. Furthermore, while editing the bill, if the user attempts to navigate back to the Approvals tab and click the Edit button again, they will now receive a helpful message stating, "You must save current bill before editing another". 23765
In Billing, there was an issue in the Edit Bill option on the Approvals tab, whereby it was slow to open the bill. This problem was noticeable when the bill contained a significant number of jobs. Enhancements are now included in this release to improve the performance in this area by optimizing the process of retrieving jobs. Instead of fetching each job, all jobs are now retrieved all at once. 23720
The application’s memory usage increased whenever users switched jobs in the Detailed WIP Allocation tab. The source of the memory leak has been identified and fixed. 21499
In Billing, when saving and closing a bill with client grid containing 200+ rows the screen would take too much time to refresh. The performance of the refresh has now been improved. 22784

An issue was reported in the Billing tab - Client / Job Selection regarding the right-mouse context menu option View Client Fees Ledger, whereby the Fees Ledger displayed was not the one relating to the currently selected row. This happened when using the following keystrokes: -

  • Right click on a client

  • Select view client fees ledger from the context menu Very quickly (i.e., before the Client Details form has opened!)

  • Right click on the client again

  • Select view client fees ledger again

  • Close the Client Details form Right click on a different client

  • Select view client fees ledger

Enhancements have now been included in this release to prevent the second selection of the same client's Fees Ledger with a progress overlay which will help prevent most users encountering the issue. However, where network traffic slows down, the issue could potentially be experienced.

When drafting a new bill after editing another, the application’s responsiveness could be slow. This has been corrected by an amendment to the underlying stored procedure. 21339
There was an an issue where reversing a invoice in a non-default currency would produce incorrect incorrect Currency Receipt amounts. This has been resolved. 23349