Version 2023.1


StarPM is a web application that contains multiple modules, including StarPM: Credit Control. It supersedes Star's existing web applications as of autumn 2017.

StarPM: Credit Control partially replicates and extends the Credit Control functionality of the Star Practice Management Windows application.

This document describes new features and bug fixes in each version of StarPM: Credit Control from initial version 2021.1.0.1.

The scope of this document does not include any other StarPM module, or any other Star Windows, Web or Mobile application or module, for each of which separate release notes are available.

Switches and Stored Procedures

Any changes affecting User-defined Stored Procedures (SPs) or Firm-level switches are described in context in this document.

For a full list of Star’s SPs and Firm-level switches, each grouped by functional area, refer to the relevant appendices in the latest release notes for the Star PDM application.

Custom Database Fields

When applying an update to the Star Database, all new custom fields, procedures, tables, views etc. should be given a prefix denoting your organisation's name. This will ensure that no conflicts arise from duplicated names on later additions.

Within Star the prefix added is SGx, where x denotes the type of addition, e.g. SGP = StarGeneratedProcedure, SGV = StarGeneratedView, SGF = StarGeneratedFIeld.

SQL Server Versions Supported

Microsoft’s extended support for SQL Server 2012 ends on 12 July 2022. Star’s support for SQL Server 2012 ends on the same date, after which the minimum version supported is SQL Server 2014.

Microsoft’s support for SQL Server 2008 R2 ended on 9 July 2019. Star’s support for SQL Server 2008 R2 ended on the same date.

Support for Internet Explorer

Star’s support for Internet Explorer ended in Autumn 2021.

Microsoft’s full support for Internet Explorer ends on June 15, 2022.


To view the enhancements for a specific release version, Ctrl+Click the relevant release number in the Version Index.

Reference (Ref.) numbers are provided for reference in any communication with Star consultants.


No Enhancements in this release version.


To view the bug fixes for a specific release version, Ctrl+Click the relevant release number in the Version Index.

Reference (Ref.) numbers are provided for reference in any communication with Star consultants.

Bug Fix Reference
Credit Control notes can now only be edited in Billing if the user has the appropriate Credit Control privileges as well as the normally required Client/Job privileges. 4696