Create or Edit a Summary Report

To create a Summary Report:

To edit a Summary Report:

The elements of both screens are the same.

In this screen you will create the report's listing and define the connection with its data source (Query Definition).

  1. In the Label field: Enter a meaningful name or short description for the new report. This will be displayed as the report's Description, e.g. in the Description column within the Summary Report List.
  2. In the Caption field: Enter a short caption for the report. The Caption is displayed within screen headers when the report is being edited. If no Label is specified, the Caption is used in its place.
  3. In the Narrative field: Enter a concise narrative describing the report. This will be displayed beneath the Caption in, e.g., the Layout screen.
  4. In the Query Definition fields:
  5. To return to the Summary Report List without making any changes, click Back, otherwise click Save.

    The SQL you entered is validated at this point. If validation fails for any reason, an error message is displayed beneath the SQL field, e.g. "SQL incorrectly specified - Unable to build the embedded [Parameter] collection: ...". Any elements you include in these parameters will subsequently be listed, and can be formatted via the Element List.

    Once your SQL parameters are validated, the new report is created, and you are returned to the Summary Report List automatically.