
In , any report can be linked to any other.

A maximum of one report link can be inserted into:

This is done via the relevant report's Report Hierarchy.

For links within Menus, see Link Menu item.

Report Hierarchies

To access a Report Hierarchy:

In the Report Hierarchy screen, clicking List returns you to the Report List.

This example illustrates a very simple Report Hierarchy, in which there is just one link from the selected report (Metric Firm Realisation Client) - in this case a Row Link, which links each row in the selected report to a second report (Metric Firm Realisation Job).

Note that the Report Hierarchy is represented as a horizontal tree structure, with nodes that can be expanded and collapsed.

In the source report, Row Links are inserted into the first column on every row, while Column Links are inserted into the selected column immediately after the value it reports.

When the user clicks on a link of either type, the linked report is displayed.

Adding Links

Links can be added to any report that is represented in a Report Hierarchy, not just the selected report.

Links cannot be edited. Once added, they can only be deleted: see Deleting Links.

The Report Hierarchy for a report that as yet contains no links would contain only one node, which represents that report, as in the following example:

To add a link, first select the source report. This activates a Link button:

From here, the procedures for Summary and Tabular reports are different.

Linking from Tabular Reports

When linking from a Tabular Report:

  1. With the source report selected in the Report Hierarchy, click the Link button to display the Link Type screen.

  2. Select the type of link that you want (either Row or Column) from the Link Type drop-down control.
  3. If you want the linked report to display in a new tab, leaving the source report open, select the Open New Window/Tab checkbox; otherwise leave the checkbox unselected.
  4. Click Next.

    If you are creating a Row Link, the next screen is the Component Selector - proceed to the next step.

    If you are creating a Column Link, then the next screen is the New Column Link screen.

    Here you must select the Column into which you want to insert the link, and then click Components to view the Component Selector.

  5. Using the Component Selector, select the report that you want to link to.


  6. Back in the New Column Link screen, click Create

    You are returned to the Report Hierarchy, which now illustrates the connectivity between the source report, the link (in th example below, a Row Link), and the linked report. Note that the link is an individual Component, with its own Component ID.

Linking from Summary Reports

When linking from a Summary Report:

  1. With the source report selected in the Report Hierarchy, click the Link button to display the New Element Link screen.

  2. Click Components to display the Component Selector.


  3. Using the Component Selector, select the report that you want to link to.
  4. Back in the New Element Link screen, select the Element that you want to link to it.
  5. Click Create.

    You are returned to the Report Hierarchy, which now illustrates the connectivity between the source report, the link (in th example below, an Element Link), and the linked report.

    Note that the link is an individual Component, with its own Component ID. Note also that the linked report is shown to contain two further links.

    In Previews, the new link is represented next to the Label of the source Element.

Deleting Links

To delete a link:

  1. Locate and select the link in the Report Hierarchy. This activates a Delete button.

  2. Click Delete.

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

    When you confirm the deletion, both the node representing the llink and the node representing the linked report are removed from the Report Hierarchy.