Column Filters and Page Navigation

Grid filters allow you to locate and select values quickly.

Filter Criteria

In any filter, first lick the drop down arrow and select a filter criterion:

Only criteria appropriate to the column format, e.g. text or numeric are listed.

The default filter criterion is 'is equal to', so If you enter a value and press return without selecting an alternative criterion only exact matches will be returned.

Text Filters

As you type into the filter field on a text column, a drop-down within the filter control displays a preview of the filtered values, matching records with each character as you type (as in the screenshot below). Select the record you are searching for within the drop-down.

Do not press Return.

Numeric Filters

Numeric filters do not feature the as-you-type preview. Instead they feature a control that, once a numeric value has been entered, can be used to scroll the value up or down.

Clearing Filters

To clear a filter, simply click the X button displayed to the right of any active filter control.

Grid Footers

On the right, an indicator displays the range currently displayed of the total number of items matching the filter that have been returned by the filter.

On the left are navigation controls for use if the filter has not been applied, or has been applied and multiple pages of matching items were returned.

From left to right, the elements in the grid footer have the following functions:

Go to the first page / Go to the previous page / The current page / Go to the next page / Go to the last page.