Headers and Toolbars

The orange header of each view in Star Standard Dashboard presents a combined title- and toolbar, which includes the following elements:

Component Label Component ID Zoom Export to Microsoft Excel Export as PDF File

The component label and component ID are read-only identifiers. The other elements are buttons with the following functions:

  • Zoom - Displays the same view, expanded to full page width, in a new tab.
  • Print - Sends Tabular Components to the print queue.

    In print output, links are rendered as images.

  • Export to Microsoft Excel - Displays a preview of the view in Excel export format, with an Export to Excel button, in a new Excel Export tab.

    Tabular Report exports are labelled clearly with report details in the format ‘Excel Export - ReportCaption yyyyMMdd’, where ReportCaption is the report's caption and yyyyMMdd is the current date in universal format.

    Click the Export to Excel button to export the view to your default Downloads folder as a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file. The file name is comprised of the generic component type and the specific component ID separated by an underscore (_), e.g. Report_39.xslx.

  • Export as PDF File - Displays a preview of the view in PDF export format, with an Export to PDF button, in a new PDF Export tab.

    Click the Export to PDF button to export the view to your default Downloads folder as an Adobe PDF (.pdf) file. The file name is comprised of the generic component type and the specific component ID separated by an underscore (_), e.g. Report_39.PDF