
The Trends option on the Star Standard Dashboard menu bar provides a sub-menu of links to a set of bar charts, each of which illustrates a specific data trend.

WIP Bills Raised

Displays a bar chart depicting trends in WIP Billings over the past year.

To access the WIP Bills Raised view, either:

Lockup Trend

Displays bar charts depicting trends in annual lockup over the past and prior years.

To access the Current and Prior Year Lockup views, either:

Firm WIP Trend

Displays a bar chart depicting trends in Firm WIP over the past year.

To access the Firm WIP Trend view, either:

Firm AR Trend

Displays a bar chart depicting trends in AR over the past year.

To access the Firm AR Trend view, either:

Hours Posted

Displays a bar chart depicting trends in hours posted over the past year.

To access the Hours Posted view, either: