Basic Details

The settings in the Template Tab's Basic Details region apply to the template as a whole.

  • Description - Enter a unique name for each Template

    The Template Description should serve to identify the function of the Processes the Template will create. It will be referenced when ordering Templates on some screens.

    A required text field, maximum 50 characters.

  • Due Date Basis - Select the default Basis by which the Due Date of each Process Step will be calculated

    The mixing of Due Date bases is prohibited, i.e. it is not possible to have two Steps that use different bases. This rule extends to active Processes and Process Steps.

    The options are:

    • Calendar Year End - Use the last day of the calendar year, 31 December, as the Due Date Basis
    • Client Year End - Use the year end date defined in the Client record as the Due Date Basis

      Although Client Year End is a standard field in the Star database, it may or may not be visible in the Client record (Client UDF). The field must be editable to be used in Due Dates.

    • Firm Year End - Use the Reporting Year End date, as specified in Star PDM Firm Options / Firm Details (General), as the Due Date Basis

      Although there is a Year element to the Year End setting in Firm Options, it is the Month and Day values that are important, as the user can select the Year when creating Processes.

    • Job Year End - Use the Job Year End as the Due Date Basis

      Templates that use the Job Year End as the Due Date Basis are available for use only on Jobs that have a defined Job Year End.

    • Selected - The basis date is set in the Template Details, but any Month/Day can be selected. All Due Date Processes based on the same Template share the same base date. The year is specified when the Process is created
    • User-Defined - Specifies a base date to be used in calculating due dates, which can be different for each Process that is based on the Template. A default base date is set here, but the user can select dates when creating Processes, and the base dates of individual Steps can vary
  • Alignment Rule - Specify a rule for due date alignment. The options are: None, Day of the Week or Day of the Month
  • Alignment Value - Dependent on your selection of Alignment Rule. For Day of the Week alignment, select the day of the week. For Day of the Month alignment, select either the specific day of the month or End of the Month
  • Date Adjustment - Specify the default adjustment to be made when a calculated due date falls on a weekend or other non-working day. The options are:

    • No Adjustment (the default)
    • Next Business Day - If a calculated due date falls on a weekend, shift it to the next working day. Applies to all Steps in the Template
    • Last Business Day - If a calculated due date falls on a weekend, shift it to the last working day. Applies to all Steps in the Template
    • Step Controlled - A different Date Adjustment can be specified for each Step. See Add or Edit a Template Step

      Unless your selection is Step Controlled, the setting for every Step is pre-defined in the Template Details.

  • Dynamic Adjustment - Select this checkbox only if, on completion of a Step, a positive/negative adjustment based on completion date should cascade to subsequent Steps, relative to dependent Steps’ initial due dates

    Extension restrictions will apply during dynamic adjustments, and adjustments will be constrained. E.g. if a Step does not allow Extensions, then late completion will have no adjusting effect.

    This setting cannot be changed once a template has been created.

  • Use Key Steps - When Steps are completed, the Template header records the last Step completed. If this checkbox is selected, the Template header records the completion of only Steps flagged Key Stepin Template Step, Step Details

  • Hide - Select this checkbox only if you want this Template to be hidden from display in Process and Rollover Configurations

    Rollover configuration forms will continue to display Hidden Templates if they are selected for inclusion in Rollover.

    Any Processes based on a Hidden Template can no longer be replicated. The replication process is halted, and a notification message displayed.

  • Rollover and Replication Defaults:

    • Replicate on Completion - Select this checkbox only if you want each Process created by this Template, upon completion, to roll into a single new Process on the same Job

      Processes can replicate only once. A completed Process that is reversed and then re-completed will not replicate a second time.

    • Include in Rollover - Select this checkbox only if you want Process created by this Template to be included in Job Rollover