Column Sorting and Filtering

In the Templates grid on the Home Page, click the : toggle in any column header to access the following sorting and filtering options.

  • Sort Ascending / Sort Descending - Applies an ascending or descending alphanumeric sort order to the grid, according to the values in the selected column

    You can also activate and toggle between column sort orders simply by clicking within the header of the column containing the values you want to order by.

  • Columns - Displays a list of all columns available for display. Select only those that you want to view
  • Filter - Displays a filter control, enabling you to filter the column to display only those items that match specific conditions

    To apply a filter:

    1. In the Show Items with Value That control, select the first condition (Is equal to, Starts with, Contains, ...)
    2. In the first text field, enter the value for the first (or only) condition
    3. If you want to specify two conditions, select the appropriate operator (And or Or) in the second selection control
    4. In the third selection control, select the second condition
    5. In the second text field, enter the value for the second condition
    6. Click Filter