Version 2022.4.0




A new toolbar in the Edit Due Date Process window gives direct access to options previously available only via a right-click context menu within the grid.

This toolbar includes an Add Process option (not available in the context menu) for any user with the Add Process privilege.

A new Gantt View toggle to the left of the toolbar can be used to display a Gantt graph view of the process.

The Add Process option is not available when viewing a process via either the Active Steps list on the Home Page or the Search utility on the Home Page.



Bug fix

In the View Process screen, users with only View entity restrictions were incorrectly able to change the Process Description, Replicate Flag, and Rollover Flag on the process header. This has been corrected. 21145
Users could complete Steps in the Active Steps Home Page even if they were not the assigned Staff and had only View access to the Job due to entity restrictions. This has been corrected. 21102
View Only Entity Restrictions incorrectly denied access to the View Process and View Job actions in the Active tab/home page. This has been corrected. 20773

The Complete Steps window was displayed even when completing single Steps requiring no further user action.

Now, the Complete Steps window is displayed only if the user has selected:

  • Multiple Steps

  • A single Step requiring further action or review before completion

  • The final step in a process.


The Due Dates Process window was rendered with the grid expanded, requiring users to scroll to view columns to the right.

The grid is now scaled to fit the width of the window, so all columns are visible. Any re-sizing of the window is preserved.

In 2022.1 release versions, on the home page, the first column in the Active Due Dates grid, which displays icons only when required to flag errors or warnings on individual rows, erroneously displayed the header text ‘Icon Placeholder’. The header cell in this column is now blank, as intended. 20391
When grid column groupings in the Due Dates Active Steps screen were changed, the new grid layout was not saved automatically. This has been corrected. 20351