Staff Selectors

The Staff Selector enables you to select either an appropriate Staff member to approve the budget, or the Responsible Staff member for a specific budget Stage.

It is accessed by clicking either the Responsible Staff ellipsis button in the Edit Phase section of the Selected Budget tab's Stages sub-tab or the Select Approver option in the Selected Budget tab toolbar, or by selecting a Replace context menu option in the Selected Budget tab's Budget sub-tab, Staff Types or Staff grids.

The windows are identical, except with regard to Search Criteria , which is specific to context. The following screenshot illustrates the Staff Selector for Budget Approver.

Staff Selector window for Budget Approver.

To enter a search:

  1. Enter any appropriate Search Criteria that would help to narrow the search.
  2. Click Search .

    Any matching Job records that match the Search Criteria you entered are displayed in the Search Results .

    If you need to narrow your search, enter additional Search Criteria and click Search again.

    You can also clear individual Search Criteria, or click Reset to clear them all and begin again.

  3. In the Search Results , apply any sort options or filters that will help to refine your selection.
  4. Select the Approver or Responsible Staff member from the Search Results .
  5. Click Select .

    The selected Staff member is either added to the list of Approvers, or populates the Responsible Staff field, as appropriate. When choosing Responsible Staff, click Save to save the change.

    You can click Close at any time to close the Selector window making a Staff selection.