The Main Toolbar

The main toolbar presents the following options:

  • Select Jobs - Displays the Job List Selector, in which to search for and select one or more Jobs with which to populate the Job Budgets tab.
  • New Budget - Displays the Job Selector, in which to search for and select the Job for which you want to create a budget. On Job selection, the Budget Setup window is displayed.
  • Edit Budget - Active only when a budget is selected in the Job Budgets tab. Populates the Selected Budget tab with details of the selected Budget.
  • Delete Budget - Active only when a budget is selected in the Job Budgets tab. Displays a prompt for confirmation. If you click Yes in this dialog all budgeting data for the Job is deleted.
  • Preferences - Displays the Preferences window, where you can set module-level user preferences.
  • Help - Displays the Help window, which provides module version details and links to help files.