Version 2022.4.0



The main menu item previously labelled ‘Select Jobs’ has been relabelled ‘Select Budgeted’, to better reflect its function. The functionality is unchanged. 9832

Copy and paste functionality is now supported in the Budget tab.

Positive numeric values can be copied, either from an existing grid row or from any other text source, and then pasted into one or more selected rows. Pasted values are rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

When copied from an existing grid row, the appropriate Budgeted Hours or Adjusted Hours are used.

Permissions governing clipboard interaction are loosely defined and vary between browsers. When pasting, you may be prompted to grant the browser access to your clipboard.


In the Budget tab, a new numerical input field adjacent to the Durations button allows users to enter ad hoc duration values that can be dragged-and-dropped into the grid, with no need to define a Duration for re-use.

Multiple row selection is supported for drag-and-drop.

Unlike pre-defined Durations, which increment any existing values, ad hoc duration values overwrite any existing values on the target line.

The drag-and-drop is bi-directional - Lines can be selected and then dragged-and-dropped onto the value input field, the value in the field is then applied to the dropped rows.