Add or Edit a Batch

To the right of each home screen grid row, at individual batch level, buttons provide batch Edit and Delete functionality.

Add a Batch

To add a new Client or Job batch:

  1. Click Add
  2. Select either Client for a Client batch, or Job for a Job batch.

    The batch maintenance screen (either Client or Job Batch Details) is displayed.

Edit a Batch

To edit a batch:

  • Click the Edit button at the end of the row representing the batch.

    Active only for batches not yet processed.

    The batch maintenance screen (either Client or Job Batch Details) is displayed.

In batch maintenance you can configure batch Constraints, which enable the restriction of batch updates to include only records matching selected criteria, and/or (if some implementations) to update only selected criteria (e.g. the Partner and/or Manager assigned to a Job or Client).

Constraints Preview

For a preview of the current batch Constraints (i.e. as configured in the Constraints tab in the Batch Maintenance screen), simply double-click the batch. This displays a read-only view of the Constraints grid. Click Home to close the preview and return to the home screen.

Delete a Batch

To delete a batch:

  • Click the Delete button at the end of the row representing the batch.
  • The batch is deleted.