Star Database Settings

The following settings are maintained in the Star PDM database.

Application Settings

A new column in database table tblmassupdatebatches, CreatedByApplicationId is used to distinguish Star PDM (Windows) batches from StarPM (Web) batches.

StarPM batches cannot be viewed or amended using Star PDM, and vice-versa.

  • CreatedByApplicationId=1 for Windows batches
  • CreatedByApplicationId=2 for Web batches.

Batch Processing

Four switches in database table tblPersonalSettings determine how updates are batch processed.

In the following switch names, the words Partner and Manager are both subject to Replace Terms.

  • AutoChangeJobManager - Determines whether or not changes to the Client Manager cascade down to relevant Job and WIP records.
  • AutoChangeJobPartner - Determines whether or not changes to the Client Partner cascade down to relevant Job and WIP records.
  • AutoChangeWIPManager - Determines whether or not changes to the Client/Job Manager cascade down to relevant WIP records.
  • AutoChangeWIPPartner - Determines whether or not changes to the Client/Job Partner cascade down to relevant WIP records.

Valid settings for these switches are:

  • 0 - User's Choice. The default setting where none is specified.
  • 1 - Cascade is active (on). The user is prompted for confirmation to proceed.
  • 2 - Cascade is inactive (off).

When these switch settings are either 0 or 1, users are prompted for confirmation and, where appropriate, to applying any necessary filters before the batch is processed.

Note that cascades to Job and WIP records operate independently. The possible permutations and outcomes are as follows:

Cascade to Job?

Cascade to WIP? Outcome
No No Nothing is cascaded.
No Yes

Cascades update relevant Client fields in tblWIP. (Job fields are not updated.)

Yes No

Cascades update only relevant Job field in tblJob.

Yes Yes Cascades update the relevant Job field in tblJob, and the relevant Client and Job fields in tblWIP, tblWIPDimensions and tblBillingForecastingBudgets.