Star PDM Switch Settings

The StarPM: Mass Update module must be enabled in Star PDM/Setup/Firm Details by selecting the following Firm Switch in Functional Area: Mass Update:

  • MassUpdate

Entity and Service Line Restrictions

Two further switch settings in the same Functional Area determine the behaviour of Entity and Service Line restrictions with regard to Job batches:

  • MassJobUpdateUseEntities – If selected, batches are bound to an entity when it is created.
  • MassJobUpdateUseServiceLines – If selected, batches are bound to a service line when it is created.

Effect on Client Batches

Cascade functionality, by design, ignores entity and service line restrictions, and the above switches do not effect Client batches.

To prevent confusion, Client batches do not allow Filter Constraints on service line or entities, regardless of the settings of the above switch settings.

For Client batches, neither ServiceLineID nor EntityId are recorded in the database Client table, and neither are hidden to any users, regardless of the settings of the above switch settings.

Effect on Job Batches

If the above switch settings are selected (on), every Job batch will be linked to one entity and/or one service line.

Default Filter Constraints are added for the service line and/or entity. These cannot be deleted, and only the Criteria field can edited.

Only one Filter Constraint is supported for each service line or entity. Drop-down controls are filtered to include only those service lines and/or entities for which the user has permission to view.

ServiceLineID and EntityID are recorded in the database Batches table according to the value set in the Filter Constraint.

Only users with the appropriate entity/service line restrictions are permitted to view associated batches.