Configure the Star Mobile Web Service for Azure AD Authentication

The Star Mobile app is .Net Core based, and therefore uses an appsettings.json file for configuration.

This section covers the changes you need to make to this file.

  1. Using your windows file explorer, navigate to Mobile web service folder, and locate the appsettings.json. Open the file in a text editor of your choice.

  2. Go to the ConnectionStrings section and update the Main connection string with the following required information

    • SQLServer\instance

    • Database

    • SQL user

      Identity can be ignored.

  3. Go to the AzureAD section and enter the following details:

    1. Instance-

    2. Domain -, for example

    3. TenantId - set this to the TenantID value noted earlier from the app registration.

    4. ClientId- set to the WS ClientID value also noted earlier.

  4. Next, Save the appsettings.json file.

IIS will not automatically recycle the app pool after an edit of appsettings.json. Therefore, the app pool used by the Mobile web service must now be manually recycled for the changes to take effect.