Mobile web service

This version of the Star Mobile web service is not supplied as a ‘deploy’ package, thus the deploy tool (an extension to IIS) is not required.

The Mobile web service is supplied as a zip file that only requires unzipping to the appropriate IIS folder. This is supplied by your STAR Consultant.

The following is an example using the default file locations.

  1. Create a folder, for example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\irisstarmobile

  2. Unzip the Mobile web service to the above folder

  3. In the IIS Manager, create a new application pool and call it IrisStarMobile. Select No Managed Code.

  4. Locate the newly created folder, right-click and select Convert to application.

  5. Select the newly created application pool and then OK.

  6. With the newly created application highlighted, select the authentication icon and then anonymous.

The final application configuration/settings will be carried out after required values have been obtained from the Azure app registrations.

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