Create a Schedule and Create Bookings

Having set up a Mini-Budget with Stages and budgeted hours, you can proceed to create a Schedule and create Bookings.

All unscheduled Stages in the Mini-Budget are scheduled together. There is no option to exclude any Stages defined in the Mini-Budget tab from the Schedule. You can, however, append additional Stages once the Schedule has been created (see below).

On the Job record Mini-Budget tab:

  1. Click Schedule.

    The application displays a warning dialog:

    "Once Budget items have been added to the schedule, editing of them will be restricted. Are you sure?"

  2. To proceed, click Yes.

    The Schedule and associated Bookings are created.

    Note that all of the checkboxes in the Schedule column are now selected, and that the Schedule button has been replaced by an Append to Schedule button.

    Schedule data can be reviewed, either in Star Scheduling or in StarPM: Planners Wallcharts.