Create a Mini-Budget

Mini-Budgets can be created with multiple budget lines for Pool work, and there may be multiple budget lines for each Stage and/or Staff Type in the Mini-Budget tab on the Job record.

For non-Pool budget lines, a given Staff member can be assigned to only one budget line for each Stage.

Add budget lines in the order in which Stages should be actioned.

To add a budget line to the Mini-Budget on the Job record:

  1. Open the Job Record in Star PDM.

    Optionally, select the Type tab, and check that the read-only Self-Scheduling checkbox is selected. If it isn't, Mini-Budgets cannot be used on the Job.

  2. Select the Mini-Budget tab.
  3. Click Add.

    This displays the New Budget window.

  4. Enter the budget details.

    Mandatory selections are indicated by a warning icon

    • Stage - Select the appropriate Job Stage for the Mini-Budget .
    • Pool Type -

      If this work is to go to a Staff Pool, select Pool.

      If this work is intended for assignment to an individual Staff member or Staff Type, select Non-Pool.

    • Staff Pool -

      If you selected Pool above, select the Staff Pool to which this work will be assigned.

      If you selected Non-Pool, accept the default of <N/A>.)

    • Assigned -

      If you selected Pool above, click the ellipsis button to display the Select Staff Type window, and make a Staff Type selection.

      If you selected Non-Pool, click the ellipsis button to display the Staff Search utility, and select the Staff member to whom the work will be assigned.

    • Hrs/Mins - Enter the hours and/or minutes that have been budgeted for this work.
  5. Click OK.
  6. When creating the first Stage only, the Budget Start Date dialog is displayed. (Dates for subsequent stages are calculated automatically.)

    1. Click the drop-down calendar control to select the start date for the Stage.

    2. Click OK.

    On some Stages, depending on Stage Type, the Start Date and duration might be calculated according to Stage rules defined in the setup of Master Stages for Mini-Budgets.

    The new budget line is added to the grid in the Mini-Budget tab on the Job record.

Add other budget lines to the Mini-Budget, as required.

New lines can be appended at a later date (see Append Budget Lines to an existing Mini-Budget), but bear in mind the requirement to create lines with Stages in the sequence in which the Stages should be actoned.

This completes 'Year One' setup for the Mini-Budget. Job Rollover functionality can be set up to carry over Job, Budgeting and Schedule data in subsequent years.