Flagged or Highlighted Fields

Yellow highlight is used to flag any fields that are either duplicated or not rendered in StarPM Custom Forms. Other flags are used to denote inputs that have been configured to be either Required or Important.


Certain fields might be configured as being either Required or Important to complete. These are rendered with the following identifier icons:

  • Required - Red x

    Input field with red x next to it showing that the field is required

    Required fields are mandatory, and must be completed for a form to be validated and saved.

  • Important - Exclamation mark

If an edit causes a validation fail, a yellow tool-tip is displayed beneath the invalid field(s) in addition to a red tooltip within the toolbar, each stating the reason for the validation failure.

Yellow and red validation failure tooltips

Duplicated Fields

If the application detects that any field has been used more than once within an individual form (across all tabs), then the label for that field is rendered with yellow highlight.

In the following example, the highlighting indicates that the Entity field has been used more than once in the form. (In this case, it is also found on the Additional Fields tab).

Yellow highlight on the entity field.

Wherever fields are duplicated, the composition of the form should be revised, such that each field is used only once.

Unavailable Fields

If a field is included in a Custom Form Configuration (in Star PDM) but is not supported in a particular application release version (StarPM), the form displays only the field label, rendered with yellow highlight. There will be no control beneath the label.