Mail Merge

Mail Merge enables you to produce Credit Control reminder letters with details of any outstanding fees. To do this, first you must add items to the Merge List , and then run Mail Merge to export the data to Word.

You can either add transactions to the Merge List individually, or add all of a Client's outstanding AR to the Merge List in a single action.

Mail Merge utilises Microsoft Word templates. Star can provide a default Word template, which can be customised to your organisation's business needs. If no pre-defined template is available for selection, the Credit Control Mail Merge wizard will open a blank document in Word, and Word's integral Mail Merge wizard can be used to create form letters.

The Address used for Mail Merge is the Preferred Address selected in Preferences. This can be either Client Address, Default Contact or Statement Contact address. If the Contact address is selected in Preferences but has not been recorded, then the Client Address is used by default.

The Merge List is cleared automatically whenever the Client List is refreshed. This happens, for instance, after any change to your Preferences.