Credit Control Advanced Filter

The Credit Control Advanced Filterenables you to configure filtering of the home page Client List, overriding the default filtering.

Advanced filtering might be applied, for example, to keep a particular Partner's records in focus, or simply to limit the number of records displayed.

You can also use the Advanced Filter to return only those records assigned to a specific Partner, Manager, or Credit Controller, or escalated to specific Staff member.

The Credit Control Advanced Filter is accessed by clicking the Filter option in the module toolbar.

The Advanced Filter form is divided into three sections:

In each section, in the Responsible area, select the Staff responsible in the relevant roles.

  • All - Only records that match all of those Staff selected as Responsible will be returned.
  • Either - Any records that match any of the Staff selected as Responsible will be returned.

In the other fields, select any additional Client, Job or Transaction criteria by which you want the Client List to be filtered.

The buttons on each control have the following functions:

  • Edit - Displays a Multi Select control (see below), within which any available, options of the appropriate type are presented for selection.

  • Clear - Clears the current selection.

  • Operator - Assigns yourself to the role (automatically enters the ID of the currently logged in user).

To save your Advanced Filter settings:

  • Click OK.

    The Credit Control Advanced Filter is closed.

    The Advanced Filter settings are saved, and will be applied to the Client List on each subsequent login.