
The Template Step Dependencies tab displays any Dependencies previously configured for the current Step.

On a newly created Step, the list is empty.

Dependencies are required only for the last Step in a Due Date Process. The first Step in a Process cannot have any Dependencies.

A Process Step with no dependencies becomes Active as soon as the Process is created, so a Process could start with all but the last Step currently Active. Steps with dependencies become active as soon as the Steps upon which they are dependent are Completed. Steps with more than one dependency become active only when all of the Steps upon which they are dependent are Completed.

If two or more Steps are dependent on the same Steps—if their Dependencies are identical—then all of those Steps become Active when the previous Steps are Completed. The completion of the last Step in the process indicates that the whole process is Complete, so it must be dependent (directly or indirectly) on all previous Steps. That is, the last Step must be dependent on all Steps that are not Dependencies of any other Step.

If the dependencies of the last Step in a process are not properly defined, then the final Save and Close of a new template will error. If this happens, check the dependencies on each Step, and make sure that every Step is configured as a Dependency of a later Step.

To select or remove Step Dependencies, see Select Dependencies.