Extend a Due Date

Each step's Initial Due Date is displayed in all Due Dates grids.

This is the original calculated Due Date, excluding any Due Date Extensions defined for the Due Date Template Step (not currently editable in StarPM) and any Assigned Staff adjustments.

To extend a step's Due Date:

  1. Select the appropriate row in the Active Due Dates grid
  2. Select Extend from the toolbar or context menu

    This displays the Extend Due Date dialog.

In the Extend Due Date dialog, you can change the step's due date, subject to the extension rules defined for the step in the template.

  • Extend To - Select a new due date from the calendar
  • Reason - Record the reason for the Extension

    It may be mandatory to enter a Reason. This is governed by a Firm Switch.

To apply the date extension:

  • Click OK

    If there are no extensions defined in the template for the current step, or if the step has already been extended to the maximum defined in the template, then the appropriate warning dialogue is displayed.

It is not currently possible to reverse or delete Extensions in StarPM. These actions can only be performed in Star PDM.