Toolbar and Context Menu

The Home Page toolbar, at top right, gives direct access to Hold, Complete, Extend, assignment, and Process maintenance functionality, as well as the grid Refresh button.

The same options are available via a right-click context menu within the Due Dates grid.

  • Hold/Resume - Click this toggle button either to put one or more selected Steps on hold (Hold), or to take them off hold (Resume).

    The radio buttons in the On Hold column are updated automatically to reflect the new status of the selected steps.

  • Quick Complete - Completes the selected Step immediately.

    This option is available only if:

    • You have the Privilege required to complete Steps
    • Only one Step is selected
    • The selected Step is active
    • The selected Step is not the final Step in a process

    Completion dates are assumed to be the current system date of the server.

  • Complete - Displays the Complete Steps window, in which you can specify the step completion date.
  • Extend - Displays the Extend Due Date dialogue, in which you can change the step's due date, subject to the extension rules defined for the step in the template.
  • Set Responsibility - Select the responsibility that you want to assign (1st Responsible, 2nd Responsible, Assigned, or Collator). This invokes the Staff selector, in which you can search for and select the appropriate Staff member.
  • View:
  • View Process - Displays the Due Date Processes window
  • View Client - Displays the Client record, as configured in user-definedClient forms (Client UDF)
  • View Job - Displays the Job record, as configured in user-defined Job forms (Job UDF)
  • Refresh - Refreshes the grid view to reflect changes made either by the logged-in user or by other users.

    The F5 keyboard short-cut is reserved for browser refresh.