Step Completion

Process Steps can be Completed either within the Active Due Dates grid, or in the Due Date Processes window.

On the Home Page:

  • Select each step that you want to complete, and either click the Complete button in the Home Page toolbar, or right-click the selected Step(s) and choose Complete from the context menu

In the Due Date Processes window:

  • Right-click the Process Step, and choose either Complete or Complete to Here from the right-click context menu

In either case, this displays the Complete Steps window.

The Step Completion List itemises the steps selected for completion. Beneath it, the Completion Details region displays settings relating to the currently selected item.

In the Step Completion List grid:

  • Process - The name (ID) of the process to which the step belongs
  • Step - The name (description) of the step
  • Completion Date - The current completion date of the step
  • Client Ref - The Reference of the Client associated with the process
  • Client Name - The Name of the Client associated with the process
  • Job Ref - The Reference of the Job associated with the process
  • Job Name - The Name of the Job associated with the process

In the Completion Details region:

  • Process and Step - Read-only details, displayed for confirmation
  • Completion Date - The completion date of the step. This defaults to the current date, but may be editable. The Completion Date can be any date up to one month earlier than or equal to the current date
  • Delivery Method / No Return Prepared / Final Return - Optional details; completion not required

The final set of controls in this screen are displayed only when completing the final step in a process:

  • New Process - Enter a name (ID) for the new process
  • Last End - The last Year End date

    Editable only if the Basis Year End date does not match the Process Year End.

  • New End - Select the year of the new Year End date. Only the year value is changeable
  • Replicate on Completion - Select this checkbox only if you want the process that will be created once the last step in the current process has completed to be among those rolled, upon its completion, into a single new process on the same job. To prevent replication, make sure that this checkbox is de-selected

    Processes can only replicate once. A completed process that is reversed and then re-completed will not replicate a second time.

  • Include in Rollover - Select this checkbox only if you want this process to be included in Job Rollover. If you do not want this process to be included in Job Rollover, make sure that this checkbox is de-selected

To apply the completion:

  • Click Complete