Add or Edit a Note

To edit or review an existing Note, first select the relevant Step in the Active grid in the Home Page to populate the Notes tab, and then either:

  • Select the Note in the Notes tab and click Edit, or
  • Right-click the Note and select Edit from the context menu

Either method displays the details of the Note in a Note window, as described below.

To record a new Note against a Due Date Process Step:

  1. Select the Step in the main grid in the Home Page
  2. In the Notes tab beneath the grid, click Add

    This displays a New Note window.

In the Note or New Note window:

  • Step - Select the process Step against which you want to record this Note

    Defaults to the selected Step

  • Category - Select the appropriate Category for this note: Open Item or Review Note

    If a Category selection is changed, then if the Job Type/Note Category combination does not require review, any selected Reviewed checkbox is deselected.

  • Reviewed - Select this checkbox only if you have reviewed the note

    The Reviewer and Review Date fields are automatically populated with, respectively, your user ID and today's date.

    If a Reviewed checkbox is de-selected, the Reviewer and Review Date values are cleared.

    Reviewed elements are displayed only if the Review option is enabled for both the current Category and the current Job's Job Type.

    You can also flag a Note as Reviewed by selecting the Reviewed checkbox on the Note's row in the Notes grid.

  • Note - Enter the text of your note
  • Reviewer Comment - If you are reviewing an existing Note, enter any appropriate comments before marking and OKing it as Reviewed

    'Reviewer Comment' may be substituted by a Replace Term.

Click OK to save your Note, or Cancel to exit without saving.