
Notes allow users to link to record comments against any step in a Due Date process.

Notes recorded by the current user and (subject to privileges) by other users are displayed alongside Memos in a tabbed display beneath the main grid in the Home Page.

The display of Notes and Memos is context-sensitive, being specific to the currently selected row in the main grid. It is also configurable: Your organisation may choose to display only Notes, only Memos, both, or neither.

In the Notes tab, subject to context and the appropriate privileges, users can review, add, edit, delete, and export to Excel their own or other users' Notes.

At least one Due Date Note Category must be created in Star PDM before any notes can be created.

You can edit a Note's details by double-clicking the Note row to display the Edit Note window.

To flag a Note as Reviewed, either select the Reviewed checkbox on the row representing the Note in this tab, or right-click that row and select Reviewed from the context menu. Flagging a Note as Reviewed automatically sets the Review Date for that Note to the current date, and sets Reviewed By to be the current user.

If the Job Type related to a specific Due Date Note Category is configured (in StarPDM) as not reviewable, then the Reviewed checkbox is not editable.

The first four options in the toolbar govern what you will see in the grid:

  • My Notes - Filters the Notes grid to display only those Notes (if any) recorded by the current user
  • Others' Notes - Filters the Notes grid to display any Notes recorded by any user
  • Current Step - Filters the Notes grid to display only Notes recorded directly against the currently selected step
  • All Steps - Filters the Notes grid to display any Notes recorded against the process to which the currently selected step relates, including - but not restricted to - any Notes recorded directly against that step

The remaining toolbar buttons provide the following options:

  • Add - Displays a new Note window, in which a new Note can be recorded against the step currently selected in the Due Dates grid
  • Edit - Displays the details of the currently selected Note, for editing or review, in a Note window
  • Delete - Deletes the currently selected Note, after prompting for confirmation
  • Export to Excel - Saves the contents of the grid as a new an Excel worksheet, with an indicative file name, in your default Downloads folder. For details, see Export to Excel

The Add, Edit and Delete options are also available via a right-click context menu within the Notes grid, along with the option to flag a selected Note as Reviewed.