The Due Dates Processes Window

To access the Due Dates Processes window from the Home Page:

  • In the Home Page toolbar or context menu, select View / View Process
  • Right-click in the Due Dates grid, and select View Process from the context menu

In the Due Dates Processes window, each Process is represented by a single grid row. Each Process row can be expanded to reveal the details of each Step within that process. Each Step row can then be expanded to reveal the details of any Step Extensions.

Context menu options for Process, Step and Extension maintenance tasks are accessible by right-clicking at the appropriate level within the grid (see below).

To expand (or collapse) the grid view, use the toggle buttons in the first column at each level.

Gantt View

A Gantt View of the process steps provides a visualization of Step Dependencies.

To toggle the Gantt View Off/On, click the Gantt View button above the grid .