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Due Dates

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Due Dates PDF

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Release notes

View the latest enhancements and bug fixes.

The Home Page

This section describes each of the tabs on the module home (Active and Search), their toolbars and context menus.

Period, Staff and Portfolio Filters

The display of active Due Date Steps in the Home Page is subject to Period, Staff and Portfolio filtering. This section describes each of these filters.

Due Dates and Due Date Extensions

This section describes Actual Due Dates, and how to Extend those Due Dates or reverse Due Date Extensions.

Notes and Memos

This section describes how Notes and Memos can be used to record comments or "To Do" reminders against any step in a Due Date process.

Client and Job UDF

This section describes how to access Client and Job records, as configured in your organisation's User-defined Forms (UDF).

Process Maintenance

This section describes how Due Date Processes can be maintained, including Process, Step and Extension maintenance tasks.

Completing Steps and Processes

This section describes how the Active Due Dates grid can be grouped by column, columns sorted and filtered, Quick Search Filters applied, and the contents of the grid exported to Excel.

Grouping, Sorting and Filtering

This section describes how the contents of grids can be sorted and filtered.