Global Reassignment of Due Dates

Global Reassignment functionality can be used to reassign all of the roles currently assigned to a given Staff member. It might be used, for example, when that Staff member is a leaver or takes a leave of absence.

Staff required to use Global Reassignment functionality must be granted access to the Global Reassign Due Dates module, and must have the permission required to select Staff to reassign to.

To access the Global Reassign Due Dates module:

  1. Select Manage / Global Reassign Due Dates.

    This displays the following cautionary dialogue:

    To paraphrase: "Information relating to changes is based on details obtained at the point of searching for affected Due Dates processes. Since those processes are not locked until changes are applied, it is possible in the meantime for other users to make changes that will impact the final results (e.g. manually reassign staff, extend and/or complete Due Dates steps)."

  2. If you are happy to proceed on this basis, click OK.

    The Global Reassign Due Dates screen is then displayed.