The Home Page

Due Dates Setup can be used to manage any activity that is defined in terms of staff members and due dates, but it is typically used to track the progress of tasks that are assigned to staff and must be completed by a certain date. Such tasks may include the filing of tax returns, or any other type of compliance document.

This guide describes the StarPM: Due Dates Setup module. For details of Due Dates Process Template configuration and management, refer to the StarPM: Due Dates Setup User Guide.

The module home page features two tabs, Active and Search.

  • The Active tab displays details of staff assignments, including all of the steps in any current Due Dates processes in which the currently logged-in user has some role, within a specified date range
  • In the Search tab, you can search for, and view the details of any Due Dates processes or specific process steps, with the option to perform process maintenance

The home page toolbar gives direct access to Hold, Complete, Extend, assignment, and Process maintenance functionality.