Create or Edit a Launcher Item Button

The values that determine the properties of an individual Launcher Item Button are defined when the Button is created, but can be edited later.

  1. To create a new Button, click New at the foot of the Launcher Item Button grid within Item Button Configuration.

    This displays the Launcher Item Button: Create window.

    To edit an existing Button, first select that Button within the Launcher Item Button grid, and then click Edit.

    This displays the Launcher Item Button: Edit window.

    With the exception of their headers, the Item Button: Create and Item Button: Edit screens are identical.

  2. Enter each of the following values:

    • Image - The icon or other image that the Button will display.
    • Image Hover - An icon or other image that provides an overlay effect for the Item Button.

      To select an image, click Browse to display the Image Browser.

    • Dialog Title - The identifying title displayed in the dialog's title bar.
    • Dialog URL - The relative path (./) (relative to the StarPM root directory) of the dialog that will be displayed when the Item Button is clicked .
    • Dialog Width (%) - The Item Button tool-tip's width, as a percentage.
    • Dialog Height (%) - The Item Button tool-tip's height, as a percentage.
    • Tooltip Text - Text for the Item Button's tool-tip.
  3. Click Save to create the new Item Button.

    The Item Button: Create window closes automatically, and the new Item Button n is added to the Launcher Item Button grid within Item Button Configuration.