Tab Controls

This table itemises the standard tab controls (grids and fields) that are available for inclusion in Custom Forms.

For a list of the individually-labelled controls for data input and maintenance that are most commonly configured for data input in Custom Forms, see Data Inputs.

Since every Custom Forms configuration is unique, any of these controls may (or may not) be implemented in any given Custom Form.

Since the labelling of controls is fully customisable, labels in the user interface will typically be a user-friendly variant of the Enum Description (the predefined description of the control in the Star database) in the first column below.

Enum Description Description
AdvancedEntityRestrictions Hierarchical grid. For the setting of Job and Staff Entity restrictions (Edit/View). See also EntityRestrictions.
CategoryControl Simple grid with Yes/No radio buttons for the de/selection of Client Categories.
ClientChild Read-only grid detailing Child Engagements. Links to UDF. Also used for JobChild.
ClientContacts Read-only hierarchical grid with Add dialog. Right-click context link to editable Contact UDF.
ClientCreditCards Simple grid with Credit Card details and option to Add New Record.
ClientCreditControlNotes Simple grid with Note details and Yes/No radio buttons to flag Complete.
ClientFees Grid of Fees with full context menu including, e.g., Edit Invoice and Undo Allocations options.
ClientJobInvoices Grid of invoices for Future Billing, with context menu option View Job.
ClientJobs Child grid linked to Job UDF. Add, Edit, Delete, Copy functionality and full context menu including, e.g., Convert options and link to WIP Transfer functionality.
ClientNotes Large, multi-line text box.
ClientWIP Read-only grid detailing Client WIP. The same control is used for JobWIP.
CliInvoices Grid of Client invoices, with toolbar and context menu options Edit, Delete, Process, and Cancel Processing.
ContactClients Read-only hierarchical grid with Add and Remove options. Right-click context link to editable Client UDF.
ContactRelatives Parent Contact selector and read-only grid of Child Contacts.
DueDates Complex grid with Gantt view option and Add Process button.
EntityRestrictions Simple grid for the assignment of Restriction Types to Entities. See also AdvancedEntityRestrictions
JobAccountNumbers Editable grid.
JobAccountsReceivableAllocations Read-only grid detailing Client AR.
JobChild See ClientChild
JobCommissionTracking Editable Grid.
JobEstimates Form with multiple fields for data input, e.g., Budget Hours, Fee and Expense; Provisions, Target Realization; Recurring Fee (checkbox).
JobFSCommissions Editable grid.
JobInvoices Complex grid for Future Invoices. Toolbar options Add New, Edit, Copy, Delete, Export to Excel.
JobParagraphs Grid listing Paragraphs by Headings, and a large text field displaying the text of the selected paragraph for editing.
JobReallocations Read-only grid.
JobSpecialists Grid detailing Job Specialists. Toolbar options Add New, Edit, Delete, Export to Excel.
JobStaffEvaluations Grid with buttons.
JobWIP The same control as used for ClientWIP.
JurisdictionRestrictions Simple grid for the de/selection of Jurisdiction Restrictions.
Reminders Complex grid for the maintenance of reminders, with in-row Edit and Delete buttons, and toolbar option Add New.
ServiceLineRestrictions Simple grid for the de/selection of Service Line Restrictions.
SmallHighVolumeJobBudget Hierarchical grid.
StaffControlTime Collapsible three-tier grid (Non TSC Hours, Staff TSC Hours, Staff Working Time Hours), and TSC Applies on/off checkbox.
StaffCreditCards Grid with toolbar options Add, Edit.
StaffDatesRates Child grid for rates per date configuration. Toolbar options Add, Remove. Timesheet Currency indicator in footer.
StaffEnrolments Grid with toolbar options Add, Edit.
StaffEvaluations Grid with buttons.
StaffHoursBudget Editable grid for the entry of monthly Budget Hours and Apply Date. Toolbar option Add New Record.
StaffPools Hierarchical grid.
StaffPortrait Selector for an image file. Toolbar options Select, Update, Cancel, Clear.
StaffPrivs Simple grid for the de/selection of Staff assignment to Group Privileges.
StaffSkills Grid allowing Staff Skills. Toolbar with button linkinh to New Skills selector. Grid for maintenance of Skills rankings.
StaffWIP Expandable navigation tree for selection of Timesheets, Disbursements, Journals, Opening Balances, or All WIP. Grid with filtering displays selected WIP.
TransactionalNotes Editable grid displaying Transactional Notes and Attachments. With spellchecker. Toolbar options Add New, Edit (opens Edit Transactional Note window), Delete, Export to Excel.