User Privileges

Access to the individual Custom Forms modules, and to data at both tab and field level within those modules, is determined by Staff-specific Privileges.

Staff with View Privileges at module level can access the module, view the module Home Page, and search for and select records to view.

Additional module-level Privileges (Add, Edit, and/or Delete) are required for any user to add, edit, and/or delete the records they can view.

Access will be denied if a user does not have at least module-level View Privileges. For example, if a user does not have at least the module-level View privilege Client Custom Forms, then even if the Client Launcher Item (tile) is available to that user on the StarPM Launcher menu (see Module Access), the application will display an "Access Denied" dialog when they click that tile.

Staff Privileges maintenance must be carried out in Star PDM, and is outside the scope of this document.