View timesheet entries

  1. Select Entry > My Timesheet from the menu.
  2. From Timesheet Entries for page, select the My Timesheet tab. Other tabs can be selected to view timesheets for Others, Staff Approval, Job Approval or Weekly Approval (depending on your permissions).
    You can toggle the width of the display if required.Timesheets page with Entry sub tab selected listing current timesheet entries..
  3. A row of sub tabs enables timesheets to be viewed based on their status - Entry, Complete, Rejected, Approved or Posted.
  4. View Incomplete Timesheets by clicking the down arrow and selecting the required date. For large numbers of timesheet entires, it may be necessary to search. Click the Filter icon to display the Search box. Enter a minimum of 3 characters to filter the list.
  5. At the top of the grid, you can view the following information:
    • Target hrs - Calculated by totalling the hours entered in the Work Profile the Staff Details page - Timesheet tab and multiplying by the Target %.
    • Target % - extracted from the Charge Target % field on.
    • Actual - number of hours recorded on the timesheet.
    • Chargeable - The percentage of time that is marked as chargeable.

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