
AR enables users to:

  • Post cash receipts, either individually or in batches
  • Allocate receipts
  • Delete receipts
  • Approve batches
  • Undo allocations
  • Post Nominal Adjustments (General and Finance Charge Adjustments, Bad Debt).

The module features three tabs: Batches, Selected Batch, and Other.

  • The Batches tab is the module's home page, the first view on login. It automatically displays any existing Batches previously selected by the currently logged-in user.
  • The Selected Batch tab provides a summary of each of the receipts that comprise the Batch, and provides Batch edit and Batch Item allocation functionality.

    The label of the Selected Batch tab changes automatically to display the Name of the currently selected Batch.

  • The Other tab enables you to perform Batch operations that cannot readily be performed within the Selected Batch tab.

The module toolbar gives direct access to Batch selection and maintenance functionality.

For instructions on how to create a Batch or view an existing Batch, or how to open a selected Batch for processing, see Getting Started.

For instructions on Allocations, see Allocations.