Client UDF

To view a Client record as configured in your organisation's User-defined Forms (Client UDF):

  • In the main toolbar, click View / Client

    The Client UDF is displayed in a Client window labelled with the Client Number and Client Name

  • For Due Dates, select the Due Dates tab

To expand (or collapse) the grid view, use the toggle buttons in the first column at each level.

Right-click context menu options for Process, Step and Extension maintenance tasks (Hold/Resume, Replicate, Rollover, Show Completed, Edit Description) are accessible by right-clicking at the appropriate level within the grid, as in the Due Dates Processes window (for details, see Context Menu Options), with two additional options:

  • Add Process - Displays the Add Process Window
  • Delete Process - Displays the Delete Process Window

    For details, see Add or Delete a Process