Process, Step and Extension Maintenance

The following options for Process, Step and Extension maintenance tasks are accessible in the Due Date Processes toolbar, or by right-clicking at the appropriate level within the grid.

Separate user Privileges are required to edit Processes, Reverse Extensions, and to Reverse Steps (either Standard Steps Only, Final Steps Only, or All).

Process Tasks

The following options are available at Process level in the Due Date Processes window.

The same options are also available in the Client UDF, or Job UDF windows, which are accessed via the View Client or View Job options on the Home Page toolbar.

  • Add Process - Displays the Add Process window, in which you can define a new Process relating to the current Client or Job

    Only available to users with the Add Process privilege, and unavailable when viewing a process via the Search utility on the Home Page.

    The option to delete a Process is available only in the Client or Job UDF windows.

  • Hold - Puts the current process on Hold

    Only available if the process is not currently on Hold.

    The application displays a confirmation dialog, and automatically selects the On Hold checkbox on the Step row in the Home Page.

  • Resume - Takes an On Hold process off Hold

    Only available if the process is currently on Hold.

    The application displays a confirmation dialog, and de-selects the On Hold checkbox on the Step row in the Home Page.

  • Replicate - Select this option only if you want this process to be among those rolled, upon completion, into a single new process on the same job

    Processes can only replicate once. A completed process that is reversed and then re-completed will not replicate a second time.

    To prevent replication, make sure that the checkbox within the context menu on the Process row (and in the grid Replicate column) is de-selected.

  • Rollover - Select this checkbox only if you want this process to be included in Job Rollover If you do not want this process to be included in Job Rollover, make sure that this checkbox is de-selected.
  • Show Completed Processes - Selection adds any completed processes on the Job to the grid display. Selection is indicated by a selected checkbox in the context menu. De-select to remove completed processes from the grid
  • Edit Description - Displays an Edit Description dialog, in which you can edit the Process Description

Step Tasks

At Step level, the menu options vary according to the current status of the selected step.

  • Hold - Puts the current step on Hold

    Only available if the step is not currently on Hold.

    The On Hold checkbox on that grid row is selected automatically, and the Hold menu option is replaced by the Resume option.

    A step that is On Hold cannot be flagged as Complete. To complete a Step, you must first Resume it.

    Use Notes to record the reason for any status change.

  • Resume - Takes an On Hold step off Hold

    Only available if the step is currently on Hold.

  • Complete - Displays the Complete Steps window, in which you can edit the Step Completion Date

    In your organisation's implementation, you may be prompted to confirm the Completion.

    The Completion Date can be any date up to one month earlier than or equal to the current date.

    After a Step Completion, succeeding Steps may become Active.

  • Extend - Displays the Extend Due Date dialog, in which you can change the step's due date, subject to the extension rules defined for the step in the template. For details, see Due Dates and Due Date Extensions

  • Complete to Here - Available only if the selected step is neither Active, On Hold, nor Completed. Displays the Complete Steps window
  • Reverse Completion - Available only if the highlighted step is Completed. Selection reverses the Complete action, flagging the step as Active once again and clearing the Completion Date and Completed By staff reference

    Reverse Completion cannot be performed on any step with Completed dependent steps.

  • Edit Duration - Displays an edit Duration dialogue, in which you can edit the Estimated Duration, in hours and minutes, of the step

    Duration is purely memorandum. Changing it has no effect on the rest of the process.

  • Reverse Completion to Here - Reverses multiple step Completions (including Step Extensions) from the most recent to the selected step. The Reversal proceeds until either the target step is reached, or until a point where a valid Reversal cannot be performed


Notes can be recorded against any Step.

To record Notes against a Step, simply click within the Notes column on the appropriate Step row to display a Notes window.

If the Notes column is not displayed, select it using the Field Chooser on the grid.

Extension Tasks

At Extension level:

  • Extend - Displays the Extend Due Date dialogue, in which you can further extend the Step Due Date, subject to the extension rules defined for the Step in the Process Template
  • Reverse Last Extension - Reverses the extension. You are prompted to confirm the reversal

    Reversals are performed in reverse sequence, starting with the most recent Extension. Repeated reversals work backwards until no Extensions remain on the Step.