Step Details

In the Template Step Details tab (illustrated above):

  1. Description - Enter a description that is unique among the Steps in the current template.

    Maximum 40 characters.

  2. Step Type - Select a previously defined Step Type.

    This is a required field. The Step Type is used to categorize Steps for filtering or reporting. At least one Step Type must be defined before Steps can be saved.

  3. Due Date Basis - Select the basis to be used to calculate the Step's Due Date. The options are:.

    • Template Basis (i.e. the basis selected in the Template header), or
    • Previous Step.
  4. Selected Date - Select or enter a specific date from which to calculate the Due Date Basis. Any processes created from the template will use the same date for any Step that uses this method.

    Enabled only if the Due Date Basis of the Step has been set to Selected. Only the Month/Day elements of the date are displayed: the Year element is selected when a process is creating using the template.

  5. Basis Date Offset - Optional. Enter or select the number of Years, Months and Days from which to calculate the due date of the current Step, relative to its Basis Date. If the Offset values are all zeros, the due date of a Step will be its Basis Date.
  6. Schedule Source - Specify whether the calculated due date should be Pre Basis Date (i.e., should precede the Basis Date by the amount of the Offset) or Post Basis Date (i.e., should follow the Basis Date by the amount of the Offset).
  7. Alignment Rule - Specify the due date alignment rule. The options are: None, Day of the Week or Day of the Month, relative to the Due Date Basis and any Offsets.
  8. Alignment Value - Dependent on your selection of Alignment Rule. For Day of the Month, select either the specific day of the month or End of the Month, relative to the Due Date Basis and any Offsets. For Day of the Week, select the day of the week.

    Where Alignment criteria are specified, the due date calculation is adjusted, if necessary, so that should the due date not fall on a suitable date it is carried over to the next suitable date. For example: where the starting date is 28/02/14 and the Offset is 3 months, 0 days, the due date calculated would be 28/05/14. Any specified Alignment criteria would then be applied. If Alignment Rule = 'Day of Month' and Alignment Value = 28, then 28/05/14 satisfies the Alignment criteria and would be accepted as the due date. However, if Alignment Rule = 'Day of Month' and Alignment Value = 15, the due date would be carried over to the next 15th day of the month, in this case 15/06/14.

  9. Date Adjustment - Select the type of adjustment to be made when the calculated Due Date for this Step falls on a weekend or non-working day, overriding the default set in the Template Tab, Details region.
  10. Estimated Duration - Optional. Enter or select the approximate time, in minutes, that the Step will take to complete. Used for reporting purposes only.

    All Duration inputs are converted and displayed in hours and minutes.

  11. 1st Responsible / 2nd Responsible / Assigned / Collator / Selected - Select the Staff Type to be assigned to each role on the Step.

    The terms for these roles are potentially subject to Replace Terms. The only roles enabled by default are 1st Responsible and Assigned. Any additional roles must be enabled in Star PDM, Firm Options.

    The Client Manager and Client Partner Staff Types, if selected, are filled by the Staff identified as the Partner and Manager for the Client associated with the Job for each Process. If no Partner nor Manager is identified for the Client, Process creation will fail with an error message.

    The Job Assistant1, Job Manager, Job Partner and Job Supervisor Staff Types, if selected, are filled by Staff from the Job record at the time of Process creation. If the related fields on the Job record are empty, Process creation will fail with an error message.

    If you choose Selected, then, on Process creation, the user can select any active Staff for this role on the Step. Switches in Star PDM, Firm Options allow the role to be filled by a place-holder Staff member, who might be identified as Unassigned or Not Available.

  12. Key Step - When Steps are completed, the Template header records the last Step completed. If Use Key Steps flag is selected in the Template's Basic Details, the Template header records the completion of only those Steps flagged as Key Steps.