The Template Tab

The Template tab displays the details of the currently selected Due Dates Process Template. This is the first Template in the Templates list by default, or any existing template selected from that list.

Only one Template can be open for editing at a time.

The label of this tab changes as follows:

  • If no Template is currently open, the tab is labelled Selected Template
  • When a Template is opened for viewing, the label is updated to display the Description of the open Template
  • When creating a new Template, the tab is initially labelled New Template, and that label is replaced by the Description of the Template only once it has been configured and saved.

To open an existing Template:

  • In the Templates grid, either click the Template ID or double-click anywhere on the same grid row

Template details are displayed in three distinct regions within the Template tab:

  • Basic Details - The settings in this region apply to the template as a whole
  • Job Types - Templates must be linked to one or more Job Types. Here you can manage the selection of those Job Types
  • Steps - Each template must include one or more Steps. Here you can manage the selection of those Steps