Creating an Opportunity

To create a new business Opportunity:

  1. In the upper region of the New Business Opportunities grid, click New.

    This displays the Create New Business Opportunity screen.

    If you do not have the Staff Privileges required to create a new Opportunity, then the New button will be disabled (inactive).

    Create New Business Opportunity screen showing opportunity details fields

    This screen records the details of the new Opportunity.

    Each organisation can define which of the fields in this screen are Mandatory, Important or Optional for each Opportunity, and these fields are flagged. For details, see Input Validation.

  2. In the Name region, at top left in the Opportunity Details, select the Client or Contact to whom the Opportunity relates (see Opportunity Ownership), as follows:

    1. Select the appropriate contact radio button, Client or Contact. This toggles the functionality of the orange button in the adjacent field between Select Client and Select Contact. Click either Select Client, to display the Client Selector, or Select Contact to display the Contact Selector.
    2. In the Selector, search for and select the relevant Client or Contact, and click Select. The selector is then closed and the Name field is updated with the name of the selected Client or Contact.
  3. In the Owner region, select the Staff to be assigned ownership of this Opportunity.

    This field may be pre-populated with your Staff name, but if you have the necessary Staff Privileges, you may see a Select Staff option.

    To select the Opportunity's Owner:

    1. Click Select Staff to display the Staff Selector.
    2. In the Selector, search for and select the relevant Staff, and click Select. The selector is then closed and the Owner field is updated with the name of the selected Staff member.
  4. Record the following details:

    • Opportunity Name - Enter the name by which the Opportunity will be identified.
    • Description - Enter a brief description of the Opportunity.
    • Status - Select a pre-defined Opportunity Status from the drop-down list.
    • Probability - Enter a probability of realisation, as a percentage value. Optionally, use the up/down click control to adjust the value, one percent per click.
    • Entity - Select the firm entity to which income from the Opportunity will accrue.
    • Service Line - Select the service line to which the Opportunity relates.
    • Job Type - Select the Job Type that the work will fall into if the Opportunity is realised. Selection may be restricted to Job Types pertinent to the previously selected Service Line.
    • First Year Revenue - Enter an estimate of the revenue achievable in Year 1 if the Opportunity is realised.
    • Three Years Revenue - Enter an estimate of the revenue achievable in Years 1 to 3 if the Opportunity is realised.
    • First Year Realisation – Enter an estimated realisation for year 1, as a percentage.
    • Three Years Realisation - Enter an estimated realisation in years 1 to 3, as a percentage.
    • Partner – Select the Partner responsible for handling this Opportunity.
    • Manager – Select the Manager responsible for handling this Opportunity.
    • Job Partner – Select the Partner responsible for any work if the Opportunity is converted into new business.
    • Job Manager - Select the Manager that will be responsible for any work if the Opportunity is converted into new business.
    • Resources Start Year 1 – Click the calendar control to select the first date in year 1 from which staff will be required if the Opportunity is converted into new business.
    • Resources End Year 1 - Select the last date in year 1 on which staff will be required if the Opportunity is converted into new business.
    • LoE Target Date – Select the target date for achieving a successful Letter of Engagement or contract.
    • Source Type – Select the means by which this Opportunity was discovered, e.g. advertisement, referral. The Source type list is defined during application setup (see Setup: Source Types). If the selected value is linked to a source, you will be prompted to record (select) the Staff member, Client or Contact from whom the Opportunity was gained. If source type is linked to a campaign, you will be prompted to record (select) the marketing campaign from which the Opportunity was generated.
  5. In the Notes region: Enter any additional notes regarding the Opportunity, and select a Follow Up Date.
  6. Click Save.

    The Opportunity is created and you are returned to the Opportunity home page.