
Dashboards act as canvasses, onto which other reports can be dragged-and-dropped, then resized and positioned as required.

The Dashboard List displays a grid view of every Dashboard that is available for you to view.

Buttons within the grid enable you to preview, edit, and/or delete any listed Dashboard. An additional button, displayed above the grid, allows you to create a new Dashboard.

To access the Dashboard List:

  • In the Setup menu bar, select Components / Dashboards.

To locate an existing Dashboard, use either the filters in the column headers or the scroll bar and the page navigation controls in the grid footer (for details, see Column Filters and Page Navigation).

To create a new Dashboard:

In each Dashboard row:

  • Details - Displays the Dashboard Details screen, which displays only the Dashboard Label field in read-only mode.
  • Edit - Displays the Edit Dashboard screen, which displays the Dashboard Details in editable mode.
  • Delete - Displays a Delete Confirmation prompt, in which you must either confirm or cancel the deletion of the selected Dashboard.
  • Preview - Displays a preview of the selected Dashboard in a new tab.Previews are dependent on Group permissions. For details, see Security.