Create a Template

To create a new Template:

  • Click New in the module toolbar

    This activates a New Template tab, in which you can define your new Template

The New Template tab label changes automatically, after the first Save, to display the Description you will enter in the new Template's Basic Details.

Complete the fields in the New Template tab as follows:

  • Basic Details - The settings in this region apply to the template as a whole
  • Job Types - Templates must be linked to one or more Job Types. Here you can manage the selection of those Job Types
  • Steps - Each template must include one or more Steps. Here you can manage the selection of those Steps

If you attempt to open a new Template while data for a new Template from a previous session remains unsaved, the application displays a warning dialog to this effect:
Working data for this template has been found from a previous session. The template has been opened using this existing data