
Each template must include one or more Steps.

You can manage the selection of Steps for the current Template in the Template Tab's Steps region. No Steps are selected by default.

In the Template tab Steps region:

  • Insert Step - Displays the New Template Step window, in which you can define a new Step to be inserted into the current process immediately after the selected Step
  • Add Step - Displays the New Template Step window, in which you can define a new Step, to be added to the end of the current process
  • Edit - Displays the Edit Template Step window, the elements of which are identical to those in the New Template Step window (see below), allowing you to edit the selected Step
  • Delete - Deletes the selected Step, along with any dependencies

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion

  • Move Up / Move Down - Moves a selected Step up or down in the order (sequence) of Steps
  • Add Dependency - Displays the Select Dependencies window