Toolbar and Context Menu Options

The following functionality is accessed by right-cicking within the Active Due Dates grid, in any column except the Complete, Pending, Notes and All Notes columns, to activate a context menu.

  • Complete - Invokes the Complete Steps window.

    Only available if the step is not currently on Hold.

  • Extend - Displays the Extend Due Date dialogue, in which you can change the step's due date, subject to the extension rules defined for the step in the template.
  • View Process - Displays the Edit Due Date Process window, which displays details of any other steps in the same process.

    The Edit Due Date Process window can also be accessed by simply double-clicking the active step grid row.

  • View Client - Displays the Client details screen.
  • View Job - Displays the Job details screen.
  • Refresh - Refreshes the grid view to reflect changes made either by the logged-in user or by other users.

    Changes made by the logged-in user are refreshed automatically. Changes made by other users are not.