Templates Tab Toolbar and Context Menu

The toolbar on the Home Page Templates tab displays the following options:

The same options are available via a right-click context menu within the grid.

  • Edit - Displays the details of the selected template in a Template Tab
  • Delete - Deletes the selected Template, after displaying a prompt for confirmation:

    "Are you sure you want to delete?"

  • Copy - Creates a copy of the selected Template, after a prompt for confirmation:

    "Are you sure you want to copy this template?"

    On confirmation, the copied template's details are displayed in a Template Tab.

    The default Description of the copy Template (and therefore the label of its Template Tab), will be the Description of the copied template appended by (1) for the first copy, (2) for the second copy, and so on.

  • Schedule - Displays the Schedule Cascade window, in which you can set any changes to the selected Template to 'cascade' to any existing Due Date Processes that are based on the same Template